Police Think They’re Above the Law

Police Think They're Above the Law

Police Think They’re Above the Law, this is fact not a concept. Most people who encounter police end up finding this out the hard way.

Police Think They’re Above the Law, and for Good Reason: Here’s One Way to Change It

Police have a lot of power. What they don’t have is a lot of accountability. That needs to change.

Just yesterday, police in San Fransisco arrested a public defender for doing her job while representing a client. Here’s a link to the video.

Jami Tillotson, a veteran public defender, was representing her client at court. The law is crystal clear, and has been for a long time, that once a person has a lawyer, the police cannot go around that lawyer to talk to the person. Yet outside court, the police went up to Tillotson’s client. Tillotson told them to back off. The cops arrested her.

This is just the latest in a long string of police abuses, from the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Gardner, a 12-year-old kid in Cleveland, and countless less high profile abuses. If you want to spend an afternoon angry at the state of the world, search “Police Brutality” on YouTube.

Cops even have the temerity to ask the people who made a smartphone app to disable one of its functions because it shows motorists where cops are. The police would rather be donut-eating ninjas operating in stealth rather than let technology help people know where a speed trap is.

Much of this is completely foreseeable. Take a group made up of predominantly young men, give them military equipment to go after civilians, train them to use SWAT team tactics, and give them a massive amount of power. It’s dangerous to rely on The Onion as a source of news, but the fake paper got it right with “Insecure, Frustrated Bully With Something to Prove Considering a Career in Law Enforcement.”

When you look at the arrest of Tillotson, and the other abuses the country has seen lately, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that cops think they’re above the law.

What’s worse, when you look at what happens to cops who abuse their authority, it’s hard to say that’s not right. Read the full story HERE

Watch the video below, sound will start later. Note one officer encounters another officer who thinks he’s better than everyone else.

Police think they can kill, beat and abuse anyone and not be held responsible

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