UGLYJUDGE.COM It’s always been about the victims

Ugly Judge is dedicated to helping victims expose wrongs. Its about supporting the good Judges, Lawyers, Police and Government. It’s not about being against
them. The problem often is removing the BAD ones. As with the Kelly Thomas murder which took years to remove and prosecute the problem officers. Dirty Judges are among the worst offenders, because they hide behind immunity, have the power of influence with police whom they work hand in hand with.

If you don’t think what’s going on is really possible (corruption, crime and abuse of power) then try checking GOOGLE or seeing our LINKS PAGE for the thousands of people who are proof.

Our courts treat DIRTY Judges like the church treats child molesters, they move them around or let them retire early. Judge David P. Yaffe and Judge Aviva K. Bobb are among the worst. Hiding proven bribery of almost all Los Angeles Superior court judges and the death of two people by Aviva K. Bobb.
Judge David P. Yaffe abused his power when he put lawyer Richard Fine in jail (at tax payer cost) as legal extortion for 18 months. Judge Aviva K. Bobb abused her power and destroyed families and seniors within the probate system. Imagine that taking advantage of the most defenseless and weak of our society.
As a judge within Los Angeles America needs to see the influence judges have like her ties with Merrick Bobb and Los Angeles.

Where is the outrage, actions to prosecute and justice? If we can’t trust those in power to protect us and our rights why are they even on the bench? Who is the public suppose to turn to when one encounters a DIRTY Judge, Police officer or Government official? There must be protection and help for the whistle-blower.

support the victims not the guilty

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